Monthly Archives June 2023

Inclusive Marketing During and After Pride Month

Inclusive Marketing During and After Pride Month

As pride month comes to an end, it’s important to understand why your brand should practice inclusive marketing during and after pride month.

Inclusive marketing refers to the practice of creating and delivering marketing campaigns that are respectful and welcoming to all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, ability, or other personal characteristics.

During and after pride month, it is especially important for brands to engage in inclusive marketing practices that authentically support and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. This can help businesses build stronger relationships with their customers and foster a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all. 

The Importance of Authenticity in Inclusive Marketing

Authenticity lies at the core of effective inclusive marketing. In an era where consumers are increasingly discerning and value-driven, it is crucial for businesses to demonstrate a genuine commitment to inclusivity rather than treating it as a marketing trend. Here’s why authenticity is paramount in inclusive marketing:

  1. Building Trust: Authenticity establishes trust with your audience. When brands approach inclusivity sincerely, it resonates with consumers, fostering a sense of trust and loyalty. Consumers are more likely to support brands that authentically embrace diversity and inclusivity.
  2. Avoiding Tokenism: Tokenism, where marginalized groups are used as mere props for marketing purposes, can have detrimental effects. Authentic inclusive marketing goes beyond surface-level representation and avoids tokenism. It aims to genuinely understand and include diverse perspectives, experiences, and voices.
  3. Connecting with the Community: Authenticity in inclusive marketing enables brands to build genuine connections with the communities they aim to represent and support. By actively engaging with the LGBTQ+ community and seeking their input, brands can create campaigns that resonate with their audience’s experiences and needs.
  4. Reflecting Values: Inclusive marketing that is authentic aligns with the core values of a brand. When brands demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity, they signal their support for equality and social justice, which can attract like-minded consumers who share those values.
  5. Empowering Marginalized Voices: Authentic inclusive marketing provides a platform for marginalized voices to be heard. It creates opportunities for representation and amplifies diverse stories, perspectives, and achievements. By giving voice to marginalized communities, brands can foster inclusivity and inspire positive change.

Best Practices for Authentic Inclusive Marketing

To truly embody inclusivity in marketing, it is essential for businesses to prioritize authenticity. Authenticity serves as the foundation for meaningful connections with diverse audiences and avoids the pitfalls of tokenism. Brands can navigate toward inclusive marketing that goes beyond surface-level representation and contributes to the larger goal of social change and equality.

  1. Research and Education: Take the time to understand the LGBTQ+ community, its history, and current issues. Conduct thorough research and educate yourself and your team to avoid unintentional misrepresentations or stereotypes.
  2. Collaboration and Consultation: Involve LGBTQ+ individuals, activists, and organizations in the development of your inclusive marketing campaigns. Seek their guidance, input, and feedback to ensure your messaging is respectful and accurate.
  3. Internal Diversity and Inclusion: Authenticity starts from within. Promote diversity and inclusion within your organization to foster a culture that values and respects all individuals. This will inform your external marketing efforts.
  4. Meaningful Partnerships: Collaborate with LGBTQ+ influencers, content creators, or organizations that are aligned with your brand values. Seek partnerships that are based on shared values, mutual respect, and the empowerment of marginalized communities.
  5. Listen and Learn: Actively listen to feedback from your audience and the LGBTQ+ community. Continuously learn and improve your inclusive marketing practices based on constructive criticism and evolving social dynamics.

By embracing authenticity in inclusive marketing practices, brands can make a genuine impact, foster connections with their audience, and contribute positively to the broader goal of creating an inclusive and equitable society.

Extending Inclusive Marketing Beyond Pride Month

Pride Month prompts inclusive marketing, yet the importance of supporting the LGBTQ+ community extends beyond a single month. We recommend offering continuous support for several reasons: Sustaining visibility all year round emphasizes the ongoing commitment to the community’s welfare, not just a short-term marketing strategy. Second, regular engagement builds authentic connections, leading to trust and loyalty as it evidences a genuine desire to be inclusive. Third, year-round support allows brands to continually raise awareness about issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community, promoting social change. Fourth, endorsing inclusivity attracts consumers who prioritize values alignment, boosting brand reputation and customer loyalty. Fifth, empowering LGBTQ+ employee resource groups within companies cultivates an inclusive work environment and showcases community commitment. 

To provide ongoing support, brands can include LGBTQ+ representation in year-round advertising, sponsor LGBTQ+ events outside Pride Month, partner with LGBTQ+ organizations, and uphold inclusive internal policies. By extending efforts beyond Pride Month, brands cement their commitment to inclusivity, equality, and social progress, promoting lasting change for a more inclusive society.


Inclusive marketing during and after Pride Month is an opportunity for brands to showcase their commitment to diversity, equality, and social progress. However, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of authenticity and year-round support for the LGBTQ+ community. 

By practicing inclusive marketing that goes beyond tokenism, actively engaging with the community, reflecting brand values, and empowering marginalized voices, businesses can build trust, foster genuine connections, and contribute to a more inclusive society. 

Extending support beyond Pride Month through sustained visibility, addressing ongoing issues, and championing inclusivity in the workplace can have a positive impact on brand reputation and attract like-minded consumers. By following best practices and embracing inclusivity year-round, businesses can make a meaningful difference and create a more welcoming and equitable environment for all.

Email Marketing Tactics for the Food and Beverage Industry

Email Marketing food industry

Email marketing remains a powerful and effective tool for the food and beverage industry. It remains one of the most effective ways for CPG companies to reach and engage with their target audience.​ According to HubSpot:​ 99% of consumers check their email every day and it is by far the preferred way to receive updates from brands​ In 2023. 

Emails allow brands to connect directly with customers on a regular basis. By keeping them in the loop with updates, relevant content, and product information, brands can establish a genuine relationship. This ongoing communication helps customers feel connected and valued, leading to stronger brand loyalty.

How Can Email Marketing Help Build​ Brand Loyalty?​

 Email marketing in the food and beverage industry helps build brand loyalty by providing a direct channel of communication that connects with customers consistently. With personalized engagement, food brands can deliver tailored messages that make customers feel valued and understood. Offering exclusive offers and rewards can create a sense of exclusivity and appreciation, further strengthening customer loyalty. 

Brands can generate anticipation and excitement with sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes content and keep customers engaged to be part of the brand’s offerings. With email, brands can use surveys and feedback collection to actively listen to customers and tailor products based on their preferences. 

In this post, we will dive into how email marketing can help CPG food and beverage brands enable effective communication, generate personalized engagement, showcase exclusive benefits, and collect customer feedback effectively.

Push Loyalty and Purchase Continuity with Email Content​

food and beverage industry email

Learn more: organicgirl & Newman’s Own

It’s important to align your email marketing efforts with your web and social content calendar. By coordinating your email content with what you’re sharing on other channels, you can amplify your messaging and cross-promote your platforms. This cohesive approach enhances brand consistency and encourages customers to engage with your content across multiple channels

Determining the frequency and timing of your emails is also crucial. Consider factors such as your audience’s preferences, time zones, and peak engagement periods when deciding how often to send emails and which days and times are most effective. Conduct testing and learn from the results to refine your email strategy for optimal engagement and conversion rates.

By strategically integrating your email content with your overall marketing efforts, you can strengthen customer loyalty, drive purchase continuity, and achieve better results in your email marketing campaigns.

Use Drip Campaigns and Automation to Nurture Relationships Over Time

food and beverage industry email

Source: Sugarfina & Chobani

Drip campaigns are a powerful tool to nurture relationships with your subscribers over time. By sending a series of targeted emails, you can deliver relevant content, educational materials, or personalized product recommendations based on each subscriber’s stage in the customer journey. This approach builds trust, fosters engagement, and strengthens loyalty to your brand.

Automation triggers further enhance the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Some examples of automation triggers include subscribing to a newsletter, placing an order, sending birthday wishes, addressing shopping cart abandonment, or re-engaging customers who haven’t made a purchase in a while. By leveraging these triggers, you can automate the delivery of timely and personalized emails that keep your brand top-of-mind and encourage ongoing interaction with your subscribers.

With drip campaigns and automation, you can nurture lasting relationships with your audience, delivering the right messages at the right time. 

Generate Excitement with Exclusives and Sneak Peeks​ ​ ​

food and beverage industry email

Learn more: organicgirl

Offering exclusive promotions and sneak peeks to your email subscribers is a powerful way to create a sense of value and appreciation. When you provide these special privileges, you reward their loyalty and reaffirm their decision to engage with your brand. The feeling of exclusivity not only makes subscribers feel special but also fosters a deeper connection and loyalty. Giving your customers a sense of being part of an exclusive group will develop a stronger sense of belonging for your subscribers.

Your brand can nurture a dedicated community of subscribers who eagerly anticipate and engage with your brand’s latest offerings by generating excitement through exclusive offers and sneak peeks. This heightened sense of anticipation and belonging helps build lasting loyalty and encourages ongoing engagement with your brand.

Email Surveys and Polls​ ​ ​

Email surveys and polls are invaluable tools for gaining a deeper understanding of your customers’ preferences, needs, and satisfaction levels. By asking targeted questions, you can gather valuable insights that inform your email content, design, frequency, and overall strategy. 

A key benefit of surveys and polls is the ability to improve your products and services. Receiving customer information about their experiences, satisfaction levels, and suggestions for improvement can help you identify areas where enhancements can be made. Collecting data through surveys helps gain valuable information that can be used to segment your email lists and deliver more personalized content. This level of personalization enhances the customer experience and increases engagement with your email campaigns.

Involving your email subscribers in surveys not only helps you gather insights but also demonstrates that you value their opinions and input. You can effectively gather feedback, improve personalization, and engage customers by leveraging email surveys and polls. 


Email marketing in the food and beverage industry can greatly contribute to building strong customer relationships and drive loyalty. By pushing loyalty and purchase continuity through relevant email content, leveraging drip campaigns and automations to nurture relationships over time, generating excitement with exclusive offers and sneak peeks, and utilizing email surveys and polls to gather valuable feedback, brands can create personalized, engaging, and impactful email campaigns. By strategically implementing these best practices, food and beverage brands can effectively connect with their audience and cultivate lasting brand loyalty.

Understanding the Hispanic Pet Owner: Effective Pet Industry Marketing Strategies

pet marketing industry

The Latino/Hispanic households now represent 61.4% of all pet owners in the United States. It’s essential for successful marketing in the pet industry to grasp the significance of this demographic. This blog aims to offer valuable insights into the rising impact of Hispanic pet owners, the cultural aspects that shape their pet ownership, their preferences and behaviors, and practical tips for adapting marketing strategies to effectively connect and engage with this audience.

The Growing Influence of Hispanic Pet Owners

The number of Hispanic pet owners in the United States is growing rapidly. According to Hispanic Online Marketing there are 20 million Hispanic pet owners in the U.S. Cultural factors, like the emphasis on family and community, play a crucial role in shaping the importance of this market segment. Hispanic pet owners possess substantial purchasing power, making them a key market for pet brands and related products and services.

Cultural Factors Shaping Hispanic Pet Ownership

Cultural values and traditions, like the appreciation for companionship and reverence for animals, shape Hispanic pet ownership. Family and community play a significant part in guiding their decisions regarding pets. Implementing bilingual marketing strategies is vital to effectively reach this audience, as many Hispanic pet owners prefer to communicate in Spanish.

Understanding Hispanic Pet Owners’ Preferences and Behaviors

Hispanic pet owners have a higher inclination toward owning dogs rather than cats. They place a strong emphasis on the health and well-being of their pets, paying special attention to high-quality food and preventive care. Moreover, they exhibit a notable sense of brand loyalty, with 65% of Hispanic pet owners reporting that they remain dedicated to a specific brand of pet food.

How can digital marketers tailor their strategies to Hispanic pet owners?

When it comes to targeting Hispanic pet owners, culturally sensitive advertising and imagery are essential for effective engagement. Localization of language and the creation of Spanish-language content are also crucial. Social media, especially platforms like Facebook and Instagram, is highly effective for reaching this audience.

Digital marketers can optimize their strategies for targeting Hispanic pet owners by following these tips:

  1. Understand the Hispanic pet owner demographic: Start by researching and understanding the unique characteristics, preferences, and behaviors of Hispanic pet owners. Consider factors such as language preferences, cultural values, and household dynamics. This knowledge will help you tailor your marketing messages effectively.
  2. Language localization: If you want to target Hispanic pet owners, consider creating Spanish-language content. Translate your website, social media posts, and advertising materials to effectively communicate with this audience. Ensure that the translations are culturally appropriate and resonate with the target audience.
  3. Cultural sensitivity and inclusivity: Acknowledge and embrace the cultural diversity within the Hispanic community. Avoid stereotypes and be mindful of cultural nuances when crafting your marketing campaigns. Show inclusivity by featuring diverse Hispanic pet owners in your advertisements and showcasing their experiences.
  4. Leverage community events and partnerships: Engage with the Hispanic community by participating in local events or partnering with community organizations. This allows you to build relationships, gain brand exposure, and demonstrate your commitment to the community. Consider sponsoring pet-related events or providing educational resources in collaboration with local Hispanic organizations.
  5. Analyze data and adapt: Regularly analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns targeting Hispanic pet owners. Monitor key metrics such as engagement, conversions, and customer feedback. Use this data to optimize your strategies, identify areas for improvement, and refine your messaging to better resonate with your target audience.


Recognizing the increasing impact of Hispanic pet owners, along with their cultural factors, preferences, and behaviors, is essential for successful marketing in the pet industry. By customizing digital marketing strategies to reach and connect with this audience, pet brands and related products and services can tap into their substantial purchasing power. Enhance your marketing strategies and effectively target Hispanic pet owners. Incorporating these strategies will enable you to seize the opportunity and maximize your reach in this dynamic market segment.

Balancing AI and Human Creativity: The Future of AI Image Generative Tools

ai image generative tool

There is no question that AI (artificial intelligence) has taken the world by storm in the last few months since the launch of ChatGPT. Everywhere we look, we find discussions or debates on how AI image generative tools are revolutionizing the world of content marketing, design, and management. Generative AI, a branch of AI, has caught the attention of many marketers.

This technology refers to a type of artificial intelligence that is capable of generating new content or data similar to a given input. This can include generating text, images, music, and other forms of media. Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries by automating content creation and enabling new forms of creativity.

Industries that have already started adopting AI include marketing and advertising, technology, consulting, manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and defense. Generative AI can be used in marketing and advertising to personalize experiences, content, and product recommendations.

We had the opportunity to speak with Steven Louie, Flightpath’s Creative Director, who has over 25 years of experience in the digital marketing space. We wanted to get an insider’s perspective on how Generative AI is currently impacting the digital marketing industry and more.

Q: How do you envision AI image generative tools impacting your creative process as a creative director? 

A: First off, I think it’s a very transformative new tool to have in your arsenal. It clearly has the potential to be a significant tool to use. When it comes to sourcing artwork, stock images, or organizing photo shoots, AI image generative tools add to the options available to you. In the process of creating a creative piece, you have various sources to choose from. You can draw it yourself, hire someone else to draw it, obtain stock art, explore different styles, or arrange for a photoshoot or video shoot. This provides an additional way to, for better or worse, replace those assets as you move forward. This is especially relevant in terms of imagery.

Moreover, if you expand the narrative beyond a single image, video, or artwork and consider the composition and different ways of presenting information or infographics, AI image generative tools can be a game changer. They offer the potential for finding inspiration or a starting point, opening up new possibilities and avenues for creativity. 

Q: What are some potential benefits of using AI generative tools in creative projects? How do you see these tools enhancing your work?

A: It provides additional options and sources of inspiration that can be accessed much more quickly than ever before. In some ways, it parallels what some people use ChatGPT for. There’s nothing in ChatGPT that you couldn’t achieve on your own with extensive Googling and research. However, ChatGPT can provide answers or outlines in a matter of seconds, whereas the same process through manual searching might take you many minutes or even hours.

Q: Do you have any concerns or reservations about incorporating AI generative tools into your creative workflow? If so, what are they?

A: There’s the rights issue. If you use AI generative tools, sourcing material becomes questionable regarding the legal rights to use it. It puts us and our clients at risk to use such imagery, perhaps rightly so. That’s why it’s increasingly important to use AI generative tools that have been trained on diverse and licensed source materials. AI-generative tools from companies like Adobe or Shutterstock are guaranteeing that their AI-generated imagery is safe to license and use.

Another concern is that, at this stage, some AI image generative tools, despite their impressive hyper-realism, may not consistently produce pleasing results compared to more traditionally photo-realistic methods. Additionally, if everyone starts relying heavily on AI generative tools and everything looks the same, it diminishes the uniqueness and freshness of new styles and stock.

However, the upside is that as these tools continue to improve, the range of styles in which AI image generative tools excel becomes virtually limitless. Currently, certain aspects may appear better than others, but this won’t always be the case. The technology will undoubtedly advance to a point where it can rival professionally shot content. I have no doubt that’s the direction things will ultimately head in the end.

Q: How do you think image AI generative tools can contribute to innovation and push creative boundaries within digital marketing?

A: We’re always striving to find the right creative that will succeed and meet the goals we have for our advertising. Image AI generative tools can assist in quickly creating different variations that can be tested against each other. It’s not just about artistic appeal, but rather about whether something effectively converts, delivers results, garners views, or entices viewers to click, learn more, or make a purchase. These tools, much like generative tech tools for generating Google SEM keywords, can do the same for imagery.

Let me give you an example. Suppose you’re creating an ad for pet care. Maybe the right pose, the right dog, and the right bandana are important factors. But with AI tools, you can explore variations like a Chihuahua, a Labrador, or a Golden Retriever to see which one tends to work best. You can even use these tools to segment and target different audiences based on gender preferences—for instance, identifying breeds that appeal more to women versus men. The hope is that these tools can help us generate imagery efficiently, as long as it doesn’t appear fake or artificial. Currently, some generative images of animals may still appear CGI-like, but this is likely to improve more rapidly than generating realistic human images. It’s a similar situation where even in movies, you can sometimes tell that a dog doesn’t quite look natural, whereas it’s challenging to discern the difference with dinosaurs since we have no real-life reference point.

Q:  How do you strike a balance between the human touch and the use of AI generative tools? 

A: In terms of the history of design, at least within our industry, we’ve never relied on a single style, tool, or image type. Inspiration comes in various forms, and what surpasses that initial inspiration can take many different paths. This diversity will continue to evolve and thrive. Some individuals have a unique artistic touch that can only be captured when they draw on paper or a tablet. It’s something that can’t be replicated artificially. At the same time, there are numerous things that can be generated artificially, which would be impractical or impossible to create by hand, especially when it comes to meeting high-volume demands.

Finding the right balance between using these tools effectively and achieving success will always be the key. It’s about utilizing the tool in a way that enhances our creative output and aligns with our objectives. The ones who navigate this balance skillfully will consistently find their stride.

Q: Do you think these tools will eventually replace human creativity?

A: AI image generative tools have already augmented our work, and they will continue to do so in the future. However, I sincerely hope that they will never replace human creativity. These generative tools are ultimately built upon the foundations laid by human creatives. It’s similar to how we sometimes complain about movies having repetitive plotlines. It would be a sad scenario if these tools were to entirely replace human creativity.

But as of 2023, it’s important to note that AI generative tools require prompts. For now and the foreseeable future, there remains a creative aspect in how we use these prompts to generate the desired outcome. If the prompts are not given in the right way, the results will differ, and everyone won’t achieve the same outcome. This highlights the role of creativity in utilizing these tools effectively. Of course, people will improve their skills in crafting prompts, and there may be additional features or buttons to guide users in generating desired results.

I believe that AI image generative tools will continue to augment our work, but hopefully never fully replace it. The optimal outcome lies in a harmonious coexistence where human creativity and these tools complement each other. It would be a bleak world indeed if we were to be dominated by automated creations.


We explored different aspects of the future of AI and image generative tools. From the impact of these tools to changes in a creative process to the challenges of rights and uniqueness, we’ve examined some of the opportunities and potential pitfalls of AI.

It is clear that AI image generative tools have the potential to be transformative, providing new options and sources of inspiration for creative professionals. However, we must also navigate ethical concerns and strive to preserve the unique touch of human creativity. Finding the right balance between leveraging these tools and maintaining our artistic authenticity is key.