Enhancing a Digital
Voice for Global Good
Digital Strategy
UX/Web Design

The United Nations works to promote “peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet” through various initiatives and strategic teamwork. In 2018, Flightpath entered into a long term agreement with the UN to provide digital support services in furtherance of a variety of important programs.
Depending on the group directive or focus, communication can be aimed at different audiences, from government to corporations, individuals and nonprofits.
While the UN has boots on the ground throughout the world, digital communications are an integral element of many of their endeavors.
Working collaboratively with a variety of cross-functional stakeholders in New York City and around the globe, the Flightpath team has devised and deployed a series of multilingual interactive websites and podcasts to support the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

How and Why
Mapping the SDGs
The aim of this project was to map success stories in order to inform the global public and galvanize support for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. As the SDGs are being implemented over the next 13 years, our aim was to publish a dynamic, informative online experience that functions as a living narrative and can be augmented and updated over time.
Country Support Platform
The United Nations Development Programme’s Country Support Platform for Sustainable Development is UNDP’s new “product” offering that aims to shift the organization towards becoming a more field-focused integrator, bringing together various partners to advance the 2030 Agenda. Flightpath created a modern and elegant microsite that signals UNDP’s evolution towards a more nimble/efficient, innovative and collaborative organization poised to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Capital Locast Podcast
The UN Capital Development Fund makes public and private finance work for the poor in the world’s 47 least developed countries. In 2020 Flightpath began a partnership with UNCDF on production of Capital Locast, an ongoing podcast series where experts and thought leaders share economic analysis and policy agenda suggestions for a financial ecosystem that works for cities and local governments in fighting the climate emergency.