Monthly Archives April 2021

How to Best Incorporate Short Videos into Your Social Media

There is no denying the popularity of TikTok among viewers of all ages. And while not every consumer is on TikTok, nor is it the place for every brand, there are many things that can be gleaned from it’s popularity. Like why it grasps users’ attention, and how principles used can inform content on other platforms. 

The Basics of TikTok

While TikTok is the clear leader in short-form videos, it doesn’t have all of the capabilities many brands need to more thoroughly connect with their target audience. But what it does have is short, interesting content that is easily watchable on mobile. 

Videos are often engaging in themselves, or joining in popular trends. At the onset of TikTok videos could only be 15 seconds long, although there are ways around that time limit now.

Animated Posts on Social Media

So just how does the TikTok format translate to other platforms? From organic posts to paid advertising, we’ve seen a significant increase of views and interaction when using movement in content. Best practices are to keep videos short, with special attention to ensuring the first three seconds will captivate your audience. 

The easiest rule of thumb for this is to simplify the ad/post to the single most important message; something you would put if all you had was space for a static banner ad. That should be your first three seconds. 

After that, keep the length to no more than 15 seconds unless your content really deserves something longer. Examples of longer content would be how-to videos or occasional announcements that need more in-depth explanation. The likelihood of your audience watching past the first 15 seconds of a standard ad or post is very low.

Best Ideas for Social Posts

Knowing what to post on social is really all about your audience. When you think about videos though, take another cue from TikTok. Not everything has to be high budget, but depending on your brand the level of refinement and company tone should be reflected. 

It also doesn’t have to be a literal recorded video to watch. Animated illustrations, effects applied to still images, or other types of movement can all bring the same amount of engagement. Content can also vary, from product highlights or service information, to influencer content or shared videos from followers. 

The best way to find out what works best for your brand? Start creating and sharing, and see what sticks. A major plus to social media is the ability to track successes and react quickly to feedback and data.

Is Facebook Worth Your Ad Dollars?

We’ve all heard people try to predict what the next big social platform, chat service or phone app might be. Or which current ones are losing steam. A big question from companies new to the social media game is which platform is best for their brand. And Facebook always finds its way into the conversation, and for good reason. But before you choose whether or not to direct advertising dollars towards Facebook, or any other platform, it’s good to weigh some basic pros and cons of doing so. 

What social platform is best? 

The social platforms that are best for your brand can often differ depending on who you’re trying to connect with. Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter…the list can keep going, but what we know for sure is that not every platform is needed for every company. Take a look at what you want to share, and who you want to share it with, before you commit to a platform that won’t fit your needs. 

That said, Facebook is not a bad bet for most companies. Although some may argue that it’s losing its place at the top, a recent survey shows that it’s still number one—and with a pretty good lead.

Plan, test and reassess

Even seeing this chart, we’d never encourage the strategy for every company to spend most of their digital marketing budget on Facebook. Really the best plan for allocation is to make a plan based on strategy and knowledge of typical audiences on each platform. Then to test that strategy with ad dollars spread amongst the chosen platforms. 

The benefit of most digital channels is being able to more quickly assess and address any outcomes or outliers to the budget. Digital advertising should not be something that is left unchecked for long. If something isn’t working well, factors can be adjusted to try something new for both the communication method and platform being used. 

Facebook advertising and tracking

The bottom line is, Facebook is a platform just like the rest of them. While it is often a recommended platform to advertise on, knowing your audience and objective should outweigh blindly spending a chunk of your media budget on a platform just because a survey told you so. Instead, set goals and track them properly to find the answers specific to your company and needs.

Through initial tests and tracking it can be easier to create organic content and paid media that will attract more viewers. And this can lead to more true connections and better-spent ad dollars for future campaigns.