Monthly Archives July 2020

How to Find and Reward Loyal Customers

A graphic representation of customer loyalty, using a present, heart and magnet.

Loyalty programs for CPG brands are nothing new to marketing, but adding strategic digital aspects can be one of the greatest ways to reward your biggest fans. And in turn these loyalty programs can create a solid customer base ready to connect with your brand in a positive way.

There are some well-known loyalty programs out there, that operate on the simple process of offering coupons in exchange for shopping data. Think about past programs like Campbell’s Labels for Education, or the currently running General Mills’ Box Tops, which reward customer loyalty by giving to schools. There are also third-party programs like SavingStar, which give coupons and offers to frequent shoppers.

While these are great ideas on their own, taking a full strategic approach on how to best acquire, connect, and grow customer loyalty can really bring your brand forward.

Seek Strategic and Ye Shall Find

Customer data can come from a variety of places, from product giveaways to user-generated content to deep-dive info sessions. What works best for your brand really means taking a look at what your customers want, and giving them something of value in exchange for information. Knowing what is valuable to them in the exchange is as much strategy as any other part. If the barrier to entry is too high (think long survey) you risk losing potential customers, but if it’s too low (only asking their name) you may not get the information you need to really connect.

The Chance to Make a Good Impression

A common first data step is to gather a customer’s email address. This is relatively easy for someone to give, and produces an opportunity to communicate and gain more information later.
Frequently brands gather info but don’t use it properly. There are so many opportunities to connect with a group of people interested in your brand or product, and all you need to do is set up a series of automated emails to send them.

These emails can be scheduled to deploy based on certain criteria (new sign up, if they opened or clicked on a previous email, etc), and should always be used to give your brand the best foot forward. Use these emails to connect with users, help them get to know your brand, and set expectations of what they will gain from future emails.

Monitor, Reach, Repeat

Collecting information can come from the customer without them doing any further work. Data can easily be pulled based on who opens emails, clicks links, returns to your website. And this statistically-driven data can be used to find lookalike audiences: potential customers that are highly likely to connect when they find your brand.

In addition to increasing your audience through lookalike advertising, monitoring engagement can help your company update and increase reach to those you are already communicating in. Insight can drive future ways to engage even deeper with your customers. Would they be willing to share demographics, interests, or places they shop in exchange for other rewards? This information will give you insight on where products can sell, what to promote and how to speak to customers.

Reward Customer Loyalty

As we stated in the beginning, people are willing to give more to a brand if they know they’re getting something in return. Focusing on the exchange is important at the start, but it can be equally important to remember as a long-term plan to keep customer loyalty.

When you know more about a customer you can connect on a stronger level, and you will be provided with small opportunities to surprise and delight your audience. Birthday emails are maybe the most well-known tactic for brands, but it’s equally as nice to send special offers or simply tailor the email messaging to their preferences. For example, a food brand could do a survey about lifestyle and diet preferences, after which they are able to send out emails tailored to different subscribers.

Customers these days have very strong opinions about companies. They think about the connections they make and they want to feel good about their choices in more aspects than just the brand’s offerings. Loyalty programs can drive sound data for your company, and allow the messages you want to not only reach the loyal customers, but build on that loyalty for stronger brand connections.

Create Stronger Connections with LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Live example on mobile.

LinkedIn Live has been around for a little over a year, but it has remained an underutilized platform for many businesses. Now, with companies getting more comfortable with digital experiences, and looking for more meaningful ways to connect with their audiences online, LinkedIn Live is getting the second look it deserves. 

While the name implies a lot about what it does, this feature shouldn’t be seen as only for live videos. Pre-recorded and edited videos are just as easily shared through this feature as live conferences or webinars. 

Live events and live videos allow for another facet to connect with professional users in a way that resonates with them, and provides more opportunities for two-way conversation and brand loyalty. 

Find Your Level of Professionalism

Keeping with the professional atmosphere, LinkedIn Live uses professional partnership services to stream your videos to viewers. These third-party services range from free options to paid tiers depending on what your company needs. Services include things like multiple filming angles, professional editing and customer support for your attendees. 

Engage Your Audience

To get the most out of LinkedIn Live we really push strategy. Asking questions like: who is the intended audience, how can we reach them, and what is relevant to them? Answering these will help layout a plan about how to market, connect and speak to relevant users to make the strongest connection with potential viewers.

For example, if you are only promoting your LinkedIn Live video through organic posts and to users who already follow your brand, this cannot be thought of in terms of conversion-based KPI’s. The topic can maybe be more specific, since you know more about what they want. 

On the other hand, if you’re looking to reach a new audience, your marketing plan needs to reflect that. This is a good time to utilize LinkedIn advertising, or create a LinkedIn Event that people can join and easily share with others. 

No matter what way you choose, it is paramount that you get the word out effectively. This means multiple posts or ads building up to your LInkedIn Live stream. Additionally, engagement early on helps people have time to share and remember so they don’t miss out.

Connect, Follow-up, Repeat

Just like any in-person event your company attends or develops, it’s important to follow up with your attendees to keep that connection going. Share on LinkedIn and other platforms post-stream, email attendees with additional information, and continue to invite them to connect with your brand in meaningful ways. This strengthens the bond and keeps them excited for future events, live streams, or other opportunities you develop and share.