So Eat Your Heart Out NYC…more literally! French, Italian, Vietnamese, Greek, Olympian… now is the time, if you love finer dining, to get your fill. If you live far from the city, you can live vicariously like I do, through the Flightpath Foodies. Clearly, I’m no foodie, but I DO work with some incredible foodies, the kind of […]
So Eat Your Heart Out NYC…more literally!
French, Italian, Vietnamese, Greek, Olympian… now is the time, if you love finer dining, to get your fill. If you live far from the city, you can live vicariously like I do, through the Flightpath Foodies.
Clearly, I’m no foodie, but I DO work with some incredible foodies, the kind of people who know all about food and drink and who drool over the culinary arts like I do 70lb+ dogs. People who shock and amaze clients and co-workers with what they know about sources of origin, pairings, and yes – even the best places to go.
So, with our new Mayor calling on all of us to “eat out” (as once only the beloved Mayor Koch could do) I thought “Why not reach out to these remarkable sources of foodiness and get them to share with you their favorite thing or two about Restaurant Week (the app ain’t bad!) or the “epic” food scene of our fair metropolis?” Without further ado, their thoughts:
Denise de Castro, Vice President Client Services: “I have a few tips! I usually make my reservations on the first day they open – this year it was on Feb 10th. The places I usually hit up during #nycrw are SD26 and A Voce – simply because they’re near our office. I’d also recommend ilili – they’ve got a fantastic lamb burger. Another tidbit (noted on my blog):
Be sure to register your American Express credit card to get a $5 statement credit each time you spend a total of at least $25 at a participating restaurant during the NYC Restaurant Week campaign. And don’t forget: it’s also Japanese Restaurant Week in NYC. Enjoy!”
Leslie Poston, Senior Social Media Strategist: “New York is a town of discovery, and I love finding those little quirky places that have a unique feature or fun element (like PDT’s “secret” phone booth entrance), as well as places that have as much atmosphere as quality food. I use Foursquare lists and tips to help me find out what my friends love about the city, find out when a place has become too crowded and “scene” to enjoy – allowing me to choose somewhere else. I also use Foursquare and Twitter to connect with friends when they are out. It’s how I’ve discovered a few local speakeasies and other hidden gems. It’s Restaurant Week – treat yourself!”
Michelle Kelarakos, Social Media Strategist: “Take advantage of Restaurant Week to go to restaurants that are on your food bucket list. The best advice I can give anyone going with a loved one or friend is to order different items from the tasting menu so that you both get to try different dishes. Sometimes, the menu is so good you can’t just pick one so why not make a tasting out of it!”