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SXSW Session – Connected for Reconstruction

Major disasters have devastated parts of great cities in recent memory: a massive earthquake in Port au Prince, a tsunami in Northern Japan, and superstore Sandy. In addition to government aid and the help of volunteers, a non-profit organization, Architecture for Humanity, is changing how affected areas are rebuilt – simultaneously.

Architecture for Humanity is an international architecture and construction non
profit, mobilizing hundreds of building professionals to help rebuild affected areas. It utilizes an open source project management system developed by TED prize winner Cameron Sinclair in 2006 to rebuild resilient structures for these cities.

The New York and New England region was specifically impacted by Hurricane Sandy. With the availability of this system, reconstruction efforts were coordinated hours after Hurricane Sandy hit to start the rebuilding process. Over 400 volunteer architects and construction workers are assisting in the rapid replacement of structures for those most in need. Soon new schools will be built in New York and New Jersey to replace those that Sandy washed away.

Check out more information about the non-profit and its long-term commitment to affected communities.